Visit Chinese suppliers
effectively, travel safely:


hotel bookings

domestic flights

high-speed train tickets

technical translators

Assembly Now can secure visas, arrange domestic travel, escort you to factories, & rescue you in an emergency.

We'll go with you to the factory

Assembly Now can arrange supplier visits and factory tours. We can also escort you on the visit to provide translation and analysis. Make the most of your time.

Safety first

China can be daunting. We'll help you steer clear of trouble, but if trouble finds you, call one of our China offices where someone will translate over the phone. It's a lifeline you use to call a taxi to your hotel, explain your emergency to a police officer, or pay your bar tab if your card stops working. ;) If we can't help over the phone, we'll pick you up or send a car.

You really won’t experience China unless you venture out ...which you have to do if you want to do real business there..

— Rick Wong, The Five Abilities

Hassle-free business travel visas

Chinese visa applications are cumbersome. Assembly Now makes it painless. We'll file the business-side paperwork, provide invite letters, and walk you through the process. Urgent situtations are no problem for us

China’s airports are the worst-rated in the world when it comes to punctuality, so don’t schedule any important meetings for several hours after your flight is supposed to land.

— Clair Jones,

Book travel & lodging from inside China to save

English travel websites often markup the actual cost of public transportation & hotels or offer inflated "international" rates. With Assembly Now, we book your arrangements from inside China so you get the best prices with no markup.

Put China to work for you.

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